
Thesis Blog

The personal blog of my MFA thesis journey, consists of diagrams, system maps, frameworks of Information Architecture, and early prototypes.

Posts in experience
Giggle Up

Giggle Up is a design performance and interactive experience to investigate the idea of spreading the contagious laughter. The happening took place on March 28th, 2015 in the Flatiron District. Three actors, including me, dressed in white Tyvek costumes carried wooden frames that have on/off toggle switches and LED indicators on them. The experience is designed to have three main parts:

1- Attraction: The conspicuously big toggle switches and actors who were dressed funny attracted people. Many people stopped and watched the show curiously.

2- Engagement: When the audience got engaged with the actors to turn on the switches, actors started to laugh loud, which also caused the audience to laugh.

3- Takeaway: In the end, people who engaged with the happening were given stickers to put on their body, which allowed them to have a "giggle up" button, too. Then they started to play the game with each other by pushing each others' button and laughing.

Laughter Box

Laughter Box allows and encourages people to take short breaks from their daily routine and enjoy funny videos by laughing and giggling. Depending on user's taste, Laughter box delivers different type of humor content (i.e funny babies, funny accidents, funny cats, etc.) thanks to the accompanying youtube channel which users can access the videos by using their own smartphones. 

Laughter Frame v.1

As a part of the Design Delight journey with Emilie Baltz, I tested my experience idea in order to see people's reaction and feedback outside in public. The purpose of this experience is to create an interactive game that provokes laughter. The frames that I and my classmate Steve Hamilton are using have switches to attract people to the interaction. The goal of the props, in this case, frames are to create a focus on the faces so that we can look at each other and pass on the laughter. Some take away from the test are that the positioning of buttons has a huge role in the interaction, doing it as two people is better than doing alone and having a naturally smiley face is better than a neutral face.

Next steps are prototyping again and testing it out with people outside. Knowing that Friday March 20th is the international Happiness Day I am very excited to take this experience to the Central Park next weekend.