
Thesis Blog

The personal blog of my MFA thesis journey, consists of diagrams, system maps, frameworks of Information Architecture, and early prototypes.

Talk to Me

"Love and caring are critical tools for helping patients get better. If it were a form of medication, we would prescribe it." says Ronnie Nathan, Chief Barker of the Variety Club.

Hospital visitations are very important for in-patients. Seeing a friend or a family member helps a lot for recovery. Talk to me is a voice recorder device that enables patients to capture the joyful moments from guest visitations and re-listen them. By picking one of the colorful interactive sticks and plugging it into the base, the user starts recording a personal voice message to his/her loved one who is sick. Thereafter, the patient could tap on each stick and listen to those heart-warming messages when they are alone in the hospital room. 

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